5 Things Logo Designers Must Remember While Creating That Perfect Creative Logo

5 Things Logo Designers Must Remember While Creating That Perfect Creative Logo

The logo of Symantec costs a jaw-dropping $1,280,000,000. Maddening, right? Not if you are a multimillion software brand and know what your reputation is worth. And if a multimillion-dollar brand is lending such worth to its logo, so should you.

Since a good logo can make or break the reputation game for your brand, it is only logical that it is made with utmost responsibility and attention. Here are five things to remember when designing a logo:

1. Acclimate and Attune

Brands and businesses are conscious entities. It might not seem like that, but trust us, they have a mood and mind of their own, which entails that they have a specific personality.

Before putting together a logo design, it is intelligent to get familiar with the brand in as much detail as possible. This will help you encapsulate the value or the mantra of the brand aptly. Be thorough, be relevant, and you have a head start.

2. Know what’s what

The design industry is a dynamic one. Always changing, always evolving. We know it can get hectic, but we didn’t make the rules, so ride along.

Before you start your creative logo design, explore around and know what design trends and styles are popular. Remember, a logo needs to strike a conversation with the general public. If your logo doesn’t speak in the tone of the time, you will end up shushing away your crowd.

3. Begin Conventionally - Sketch!

If you are as smart as we are (highly unlikely, but…), then you’ll know that a logo design process is multi-tiered. Each problem lurks behind a thousand strokes and will only unravel after you are done with them.

That’s why it is sensible to start with a sketch first. We recommend a sketchpad, but you can be as conventional as you want. This will allow you to toy around with many designs and styles. This can also allow you to visualize your logo outside a digital screen (if you are sketching on a pad or paper), where you can see the flexibility of your design on other mediums.

4. Keep it simple

We know you want to flood the screen with all the designs because you are a creative god, but as veterans of the design industry, we will discourage that (with a heavy heart!).

Logos have to make the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time. This makes a whole lot of details redundant and useless. There might be instances where details might seem tempting, but a lot of details are futile. It can be a 3D, a custom, or even an animated logo design. The simpler the design, the better. Remember, a simplistic design is easy to remember compared to one cluttered with details. Take the example of NIKE. Need I say more?

5. Digitalize with caution

With a logo design, it aint over till it’s over.

Before you transform your Sketch into a Digital logo, don’t just jump on the first illustration tool you have. Choosing the best tools and software can be difficult, given that the industry is boiling with many.

Also, these illustration tools might offer themes, color schemes, and styles that you might not have experimented with due to various limitations. Toy with them. Play around with multiple colors, and experiment with different shapes and figures. You might end up with a better, more stellar version of what you started with. In other words, don’t rush. Please!

A logo design journey is a fun one. Even when it’s not, it is. When you embark on one, be sure to enjoy it, and be open to criticism, especially when it comes to a dime a dozen in the world of the internet, but most of all, be thorough with your research before making one.


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